Thursday, March 20, 2008

Peeps Facts

For those of you who don't know, the pictured candy is called a peep. It looks like it would be tasty. It isn't. Every year, I look at the beautiful candy in just the right lighting & think "yummy". Again I repeat, it isn't. Here are a few facts from wikipedia with my sarcasm thrown in.

Peeps are made from carnauba wax, gelatin, sugar & marshmallow.

Introduced in 1953. The little chicks were originally formed by hand, when it took 27 hours to make a single peep.

Red Peeps are sold exclusively at Target.

Urban legend says that a Peep is indestructible. Scientists at Emory University tried this theory out to see whether it's possible to dissolve a peep & found that it's terribly difficult.

Peeps make horrible smores because the sugar burns.

Dennis Gross ate 102 peeps in the 2003 Peep Off, also known as The Dennis Gross Memorial Peep off.

The Science Fiction & Fantasy Society at Smith College has an annual Peep Slaughter, where they "massacre" peeps in everything from a Viking funeral to flushing them down the toilet.

1 comment:

LEstes65 said...

My boys finally gave into the lure of the Peeps this year. I bought them some yellow Peeps but gave them the warning that they might not like them. Pokemon boy ate 3. Lil' Bro took a bite and declared it gross.

Apparently Lil' Bro has taste buds.