Thursday, March 20, 2008

Why does the Easter Bunny Bring Eggs?

Ok, I was originally going to write a post with random Easter facts, because I love Easter. I love going to church & wearing my Easter dress. When we were little the Easter bunny always left us stuff, it wasn't one or the other. However, most of the facts that I found was just Christianity vs. Pagan beliefs. My mind just took some camping gear & headed for the hills, I couldn't handle it. I couldn't figure out a way to deliver random facts & keep my personal feelings of faith out of it. I wanted random facts, not random speculation. I had no idea Easter was so controversial.

Anyways, I understand about the Easter Bunny & Easter Eggs. However, I never stopped to think that if you take away the very basic symbolism, a bunny is delivering eggs & that just doesn't happen in nature. Why didn't I think of that in like kindergarten? Here is a pretty picture of Easter Eggs, hope everyone has a good one.

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