Friday, September 14, 2007

What is an alpaca?


One of my favorite business infomercials is for alpacas. I just love hearing people say how alpacas have changed their lives, like they were drug rehabilitation or something. However, no one ever says exactly what an alpaca is. So I went over to wikipedia & found out that:

  • Alpacas don't exist in the wild, they have been domesticated for a thousand years.

  • It's illegal to slaughter an Alpaca for meat.

  • Alpacas are herd animals that should always be kept with other alpacas or at least with other herd animals.

Ok so wikipedia doesn't know exactly what an alpaca is either, or why they make such a good business opportunity. I give up, I don' t know what an alpaca is, besides the fact that it's an alpaca.

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