Saturday, September 15, 2007

The secret to long life

This was another story that got me wondering, does anyone really believe that? I was reading a book that referenced Li Ching Yuen who is reported to be one of the world's oldest people, supposedly having lived from 1677-1933 in China. Yup, 256 years, & what changes must have taken place during that time. Like did they even have office desks back then? The TIMES first reported this story in 1933. Here are a few things that I found out about Li Ching Yuen, although I'm still not sure I believe this.

  • There were records in China in 1827 congratulating him on his 150th birthday.

  • Reported to be seven feet tall.

  • A Chinese herbalist.

According to wikipedia, he attributed his long life to this saying:
Keep a quiet heart,
sit like a tortoise,
walk sprightly like a pigeon
and sleep like a dog.

1 comment:

LEstes65 said...

Oh now I have to go research this dude. I want to see if people think he was real - or that his claim was real.