Thursday, December 19, 2013

Random Christmas Tree Themes

The past few years when I've gone shopping for Christmas tree ornaments it seems like things have gotten a lot more random. For years there have been a lot of coastal inspired ornaments like sand dollars. I want to buy one but all I can think is "That has nothing to do Christmas but it's cute." However, since it doesn't match the color or style of any of my existing ornaments I would basically have to buy an entire tree's worth to stick within the new theme. Unless I actually lived on the coast it will become dated and I don't feel like moving just because of my Christmas decor. This year's random theme seemed to be mini cowboy boots and cactus ornaments. Since I live in the Southwest I could probably get away with this look and it's a lot of fun but again, it doesn't have anything to do with Christmas so I feel silly putting it on a tree. How do you feel about random Christmas themes?

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