Monday, January 7, 2013

Does Stress Sweat Exist?

I had never heard the phrase "stress sweat" until a recent deodorant commercial that claimed to block it 4 times better. I was skeptical and thought that it was just a usual "problem made up for TV even though it isn't really a problem". I decided that it might have merit to it just because it said that stress sweat smells worse than regular sweat. I thought though that everything that I looked up would be from the same Secret commercial but this myth has been around longer than that. A few online forums claimed that stress sweat takes on a unique sulfur smell. I didn't find any actual science or proof of this though when I looked it up. I'm leaning more towards it just being an advertisement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To the best of my knowledge, sweat by itself is odorless. It's the bacteria that grows in the moist environment created by the sweat that causes the odor.