Monday, April 12, 2010

Well That's Just Depressing

I had the TV on mute on TLC. This will be vague because I can’t remember the exact name of the show I was watching. It's a home show on Saturday but I always think that it's called "Real Simple" but that's the name of the magazine I like. Ok, since I was going to go look it up anyways to find out the show I was watching which is "Home Made Simple" I probably didn't need to tell you all that. However, I believe in blogging honesty and disclosing that I don't know everything.

Anyways, I was watching Home Made Simple and they just flashed a random fact across the screen. Apparently it cost Christopher Columbus the same amount for his first voyage as a car in modern day America. Hmmm which one would you rather have? I had trouble finding information on this online simply because the exact amount seems to be unknown but just requires a lot of math. Plus, I was expecting a lot of pages to have this same fact but I guess most people don't associate the two things. I don't know if it's true or not. In a way it seems like it could be true but it could also be an urban legend.

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