Thursday, April 22, 2010

More Random Mount Rushmore Facts

Our virtual tour of Mount Rushmore continues. According to wikipedia but with my own sarcastic words here are a few more tidbits.
  • It took 401 workers to build this.
  • According to the travel channel there were originally only going to be three presidents. Thomas Jefferson had to be basically blown up and moved because of difficulties with the rock.
  • There was a movement in 1937 to add Susan B. Anthony but Congress ordered that it would only finish the existing heads.
  • Total cost: $989,992.32. It probably costs more to fill a pot hole nowadays.
  • Originally it was supposed to feature them from head to waist but money ran out. This actually really makes sense to me because I've always wondered why they are just floating heads.

I'm pretty sure I’m going to get a job as an official tour guide. Also the program that I was watching said that “mountain carving technology" has improved since then. I guess this means that "mountain carving technology" is actually a term. If I had a time machine I'd go back and plead for them to add in Susan B. Anthony in like women's rain boots and tell them what a steal their project was.

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