Saturday, June 28, 2008

I wish I could spell

On one of the Morgan Freeman Olympic Visa commercials they mention a guy named Derrick Redman. It shows this guy running & everyone cheering & Morgan Freeman says something like "Derrick Redman did not win gold. He did not win silver. He finished dead last, but he finished" At least I think that is what Morgan Freeman says because this commercial always makes me cry.

I have tried to spell both names every possible way that I can think of because I wanted to see what his story was about. My computer memory is fine, but Sara's brain is a bit foggy. I still never mastered the spelling thing, but as far as I can tell, this is what happened.

During the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona Spain Derek Redman from Great Britain was about to run the 400 meter. He tore a hamstring & fell face down on the track while the gold medal slipped out of sight. His dad ran from the crowd & helped him up. Derrick could only hop, but he finished the race with his father.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there's a bunch of videos on youtube about it, I saw the commercial and wanted to see the story as I had heard about it but not sure I'd ever seen it.

just one example :