Sunday, May 25, 2008

My deodorant has a warning label on it

I just noticed that my deodorant has a warning label on it that you shouldn't use it if you have kidney problems. Granted, I don't have kidney problems, it just worries me.

The warning label clashes with the bright pink packaging & the kiwi lavender scent. It's not even some weird store brand. I don't know if it's just this particular deodorant, or if it's just now on all bottles. I also don't know what to do about it. Yes, I need more money in my savings account but I can't just stop using it.


LEstes65 said...

Most of them have some aluminum-based ingredient that everyone has been telling me will give me alzheimers. Now it will shut down my kidney, too??? Great. I might as well just stink.

Anonymous said...

If that's the case shouldn't there be a warning on the label?

Jules Woo said...

Warning labels are there because if these products are sniffed purposefully, they can cause kidney damage, brain damage and cardiac arrest or even death. Some young people sniff these products to get high. The companies are just covering their butts. Sniffers usually spray the aerosol into a soda bottle and then sniff the fumes... they also sniff paint, lighter fluid, glue etc. It's known as Volatile substance misuse or VSM (or VSA = abuse) depending on where you come from. :o) if used sensibly, it shouldn't cause any problems.