Tuesday, April 22, 2008

D.B. Cooper

Every year in American History when I was a kid, we only seemed to make it to the 1940's in school. This meant that I wasn't well versed on the later part of the century, or at least the part before I was born.

Just today I learned about D.B. Cooper (aka Dan Cooper.) D.B. Cooper is an alias of a high jacker. He took over a Boeing 727 that was flying over the Pacific Northwest in 1971. After he received a ransom of $200,000, he jumped out of the plane. The FBI doesn't believe he survived the jump. Too bad we didn't have gps tracking back then.

1 comment:

LEstes65 said...

I only know this because of an NBC TV show, Journeyman, about a time jumper who ended up on that plane. Apparently, I learn my American history from TV shows about time travel.