Saturday, September 1, 2007

1982 Time Capsule

The other day I was in the supermarket & they have one of those what happened in your birth year books. The year I was born was apparently boring. So I'm watching "I Love the 80's", & they have a much better version of 1982. So, in 1982:

1. Malls were our best friend.

2. Tylenol was scary because some psycho was putting poison in them, prompting the safety seal.

3. The Epcot center was a huge letdown.

4. Boys wore mesh shirts.

In a way I'm glad that I was too young to remember 1982. What are some strange things that happened in your birth year?

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1 comment:

LEstes65 said...

In 1982, I started my senior year. And I am happy to inform you that only the strangest boys would ever show their faces in public wearing a mesh shirt. At least, the boys I knew would have gotten laughed out of the state. I remember the Tylenol thing. Terrified me. Malls were our best friend in only 1982? How odd. I recall my entire Jr high & high school careers spent there. And I recall most of my nieces & nephews doing the same since. Am I missing something?

But 1982 was a good year. Aside from some of the fashion and hair styles of celebrities. Most normal people looked pretty nice.