Tuesday, August 21, 2007

By informative, I mean scary

Very informative episode of Oprah today. By informative I mean scary beyond belief. I rarely watch Oprah & never when Dr. Oz is on. He tends to bring random organs, like lungs & hearts & it's just weird & creepy to see them sitting on a table. Anyways, Oprah hooked me with her first question that asked what the number one killer of women is? She said that it killed more women than the next 6 leading causes of death combined. One out of two women will die from it.

What is it? Heart disease. I stopped watching at this point because Dr. Oz was looking like he was going to bring out a human heart on a table. It really drove home to me how important it is to have a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight even if it's by using muscle milk, & exercising. One in two women. Wow I didn't even have to look at the organs to get scared.

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