Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Keeping months straight


I always had a problem remembering how many days each month had. Then someone told me to make a fist. Then count the months going from knuckle, to inbetween your knuckle. Whenever you are inbetween your knuckle, that month has 28 or 30 days in it. I don't know why they just didn't say, "Every other month has 31 days in it", that would've been a lot easier, but this works as well.

1 comment:

LEstes65 said...

That's interesting. Probably easier than the way I remember:

Thirty days has Septemper
April, June and November
All the rest have thirty-one
'Cept for Feb'ry which is dumb

The last line was added by me to make my boys laugh. But they remember how many days are in each month! HA!