Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Full Serving of Vegetables in Chef Boyardee

I was surprised to see a commercial that said there is a full serving of vegetables in Chef Boyardee. Honestly, I try not to look at the can or nutritional information too much when I eat it. I figure if I don't know that it's unhealthy, my body won't know it either. I had visions of them replacing meat with ground up peas to make it healthier.

I guess it actually just comes from the tomato sauce. First off, I thought tomatoes were a fruit. I haven't ever heard of a health benefit from eating a lot of tomatoes. I guess the Chef Boyardee people have to do what they have to do.


Anonymous said...

I saw this commercial too and was very surprised. I thought to myself "self, wow, a whole serving of veggies??" now, I don't see that commercial anymore.. Maybe it was a clever marketing tactic... Great Job Chef!

Anonymous said...

Lol, tomatoes are very good for you, but probably not Boyardee style (too much sodium). Tomatoes can be considered a vegetable or fruit by culinary terms (up to your preference), and they biologically a fruit. It doesn't matter really matter. By the biological definition, peppers and eggplant are also fruit (I consider them vegetables when cooking ;) )

Right, Anon 8/28/09. A clever tactic indeed.

Anonymous said...

You really didn't know that tomatoes were good for you? High in antioxidants for a start. Now the rest of the stuff in the can may not be all that healthy but in all fairness, they didn't say it was healthy, they just said it had a full serving of vegetables, which is true.

Anonymous said...

On the can, it lists "textured vegetable protein". That lists soy flour, soy protein concentrate and caramel color. Mmmmm. . .yummy!