Sunday, February 15, 2009

What is sweetbread?

I was just watching Iron Chef & they were making sweetbreads. Since I'm such a foodie I assumed that sweetbreads were you know, bread that was sweet. It was self explanatory like going on Orlando vacations means you are going on a trip to Florida. Even on the TV it looked kind of like bread. Not so much.

Apparently it comes from the Old English word "braed" which also means flesh. It's the thymus gland of pork, lamb or beef. Granted, I'm not a vegetarian but it just sounds gross. I like the name sweetbread & I would eat it if it was in fact what it sounded like. I guess I'll just stick with the Pizza Hut buy a large pizza get a medium pizza for a penny deal. Granted, I don't really need that much pizza, but seriously, what can you buy for a penny anymore?

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