Sunday, January 11, 2009

I'd hate to be that guy

I thought I knew everything about hygiene, like it's good & we should have it so we smell pretty. I came across this article entitle "20 Things You Didn't know About Hygiene." It's one of those great advances in the twentieth century. I was intrigued when I read President Garfield didn't die from being shot but because the doctors that treated him had manure on their hands. Can you imagine being the guy who killed a president because he didn't wash his hands? A few of the facts I already knew, like the five second rule doesn't keep germs off your food.
  • Secondly apparently there is a Greek goddess of cleanliness named Hygieia. That sounds like something that my sarcastic personality made up, but it's supposedly true.
  • Soap is named after Mount Sapo.
  • Toilet Paper wasn't always "splinter free". I love this day & age. Even with all of the problems in the world.
  • If you are ever in a hospital, don't touch the TV remote.
It's not really as much about hygiene as it is about common sense.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, fun. I love random facts.