Friday, November 7, 2008

Where do migraines come from?

Today I had my first ever migraine. My first question was "How do you make this go away?" It wasn't until hours later that I wondered "Where do migraines come from?" Hopefully, tomorrow I will progress to "How do I keep them from ever coming back?"

Then I went to wikipedia even though the light from the computer screen was making my brain feel like it was about to burst outside of my head. Apparently the cause of migraines are unknown. It might be due to genetic factors, or something called a serotonergic control system disorder. Yes, that was extremely helpful. So to answer the question "Where do Migranes come from? Migraines come from your head." You can thank me later.


j said...

NPR just had an interview with a prominant neurologist about migraines and it was really interesting. Here's the link if you want to listen to it:

Anonymous said...

I used to suffer migraines (auras, vomiting) two or three days a week. Fortunately, chiropractic care eventually resolved them and I rarely get one anymore. If you're interested here are some other tips I learned along the way