Friday, September 16, 2011

Apparently All Food Comes in Yellow

As soon as I found out about yellow tomatoes it really just looked like they were everywhere. I actually grew a variety of these in my garden. I was expecting them to be about the size of a regular tomato; but they're just slightly bigger than a cherry tomato. However, that could just be my gardening skills. Again, I bought this plant because I love oddly colored food. It's pretty tasty too; I don't find it to be acidic as other tomato varities. This picture also has orange tomatoes which now I must find. Have you ever had yellow tomatoes?

1 comment:

lolotheblogger said...

Hi. Cool blog- and yes, tomatoes comes in yellow. They're actually quite good. Check out my blog- I'll make sure to put a link up for yours once you leave a few comments!!!! Check out