Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Random Wedding Facts

In planning family members wedding it's wise to not ask questions about why we do things. A lot of the ceremony is just tradition but I just can't help myself. So, between you and me, I'm looking it all up. According to wikipedia in North America bringing a gift is optional. Umm really? Also that’s neat.

Wikipedia also says that the whole idea that rice causes harms to birds is actually a myth. I'm not sure I believe this one. Anyways, it's messy and it just seems like being pelted with rice would just be painful.

So here is where I got derailed. Instead of looking up presents I was worried about the birds even though there won't be any rice at this wedding. Snopes.com says it's a myth. A lot of answer sites say it is possible if the temperature is exactly right and the bird eats enough to actually hurt it so I probably still wouldn't do it.

1 comment:

Ljw said...

Not to mention that throwing rice is based on an ancient pagan tradition wherein it was believed that throwing rice or a substitute food would appease evil spirits and keep the bride and groom from harm.

I've heard of people getting a serious injury to their eyes from it too.