Friday, June 18, 2010

Hi Dad It's Me

When I was looking up Father's Day facts one thing really stood out to me. Mother's Day has one of the highest volume of phone calls of any day of the year. The rate of phone calls on Father's Day according to wikipedia has dropped in recent years possibly because of the prevalence of single parent households. Also the phone calls seems to last longer on Mother's Day. The really weird part is that this is the largest day for COLLECT CALLS all year. Seriously, who calls their dad collect on Father's Day? Aren't you supposed to give them presents like ties and ipods instead of costing them money? Maybe that's why the phone calls are so brief.


Travis Erwin said...

Here at the post office our mail volume does not increase at all for father's day but does int he days before mother's day.

Barrie said...

I looked up random facts about Father's Day too! Great minds obviously think alike!