Saturday, November 14, 2009

Anne Boleyn Facts

Lately it seems like Anne Boleyn is stalking me. It seems like every TV show and movie I watch is centered on her. There are a lot of similarities between the shows. They focus on her being scheming and conniving. So it would seem like if several shows all relate to each other then it would have some basis in truth. I decided to head to wikipedia for a quick history refresher. There were a few things I knew, such as she was the mother of Elizabeth. I still haven't found out if she was as beautiful as she is portrayed on TV or if she needed to know how to lose belly fat. I also knew about the whole annulment thing. I found out that:

It's spelled Anne with an e like Anne of Green Gables.She was beheaded for charges of adultery and incest.

King Henry wore yellow the day after Catherine of Aragon's death which makes me like him a lot less.

It was thought that Catherine's blackened heart was due to poisoning but modern medical science points to heart cancer.

That whole scene is the Tudors where the King gets knocked off his horse during a tournament and is knocked out for a few hours actually happened. Anne miscarried five days after that.

The Tudors also got the death scene right where the executioner asked for his sword and then beheaded Anne while she was looking around thinking that she still had little bit of time left.

Her last words were supposedly some version of:

Good Christian people, I am come hither to die, for according to the law, and by the law I am judged to die, and therefore I will speak nothing against it. I am come hither to accuse no man, nor to speak anything of that, whereof I am accused and condemned to die, but I pray God save the king and send him long to reign over you, for a gentler nor a more merciful prince was there never: and to me he was ever a good, a gentle and sovereign lord. And if any person will meddle of my cause, I require them to judge the best. And thus I take my leave of the world and of you all, and I heartily desire you all to pray for me. O Lord have mercy on me, to God I commend my soul.

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