Saturday, October 31, 2009

Jack-o'-lantern Facts

My first Jack-o'-lantern fact is that apparently it's spelled jack-o'-lantern or Jack O'Lantern. Then again I probably can't even spell humidifier filters let alone deal with all those apostrophes and hyphens. I usually put it all as one word simply because I can. I would not be smarter than a 5th grader.

According to wikipedia the name comes from when weird lights were seen over peat bogs. This has nothing to do with pumpkins, but that's where the name comes from. It told me that the Latin version was Ignis Fatuus which is the same as Jack-o'-lantern. I had no idea what Ignis Fatuus was so then I went to that page which automatically directed me to Will-o'-the-Wisp. I don't like this word either because again with the hyphens. They all mean strange lights. Wisp is a bunch of sticks turned into a torch. Also if you're in Newfoundland you might call it a Jacky Lantern apparently.

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