Everyone in my family is pretty good at guessing Christmas presents. A few years ago my dad brought in my present & I noticed how heavy the gift bag was. It was filled to the top with rocks. I thought, "What, the price of coal has gone up too much?". Then for some reason, they brought in an unwrapped TV, totally unrelated to the bag of rocks. However, I hadn't guessed it was a TV, so maybe that was the point. What was your most random Christmas present?
I don't know if it's really random or not. But many relatives heard of my wonderour weight loss and kindly assumed I had dropped more than 2 sizes. I got a lot of stuff in medium in stead of large. So now my goal is to fit into it all!
I was about 10years old, and I got a card on the tree that said, look in your fridge. I went to the Fridge, and there was a Ham and Cheese sandwhich with my name on it. I thought that was pretty random.
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