Friday, October 26, 2007

Why do we wear costumes on Halloween?

I wanted to know why we wore costumes on Halloween. Well besides the fact that it's the only day of the year when people don't look at me weird when I wear a tiara. It's not my fault that I'm a princess & should be treated accordingly. So I went to wikipedia. All I found out is that:

Costume Parties are especially popular in the United States around Halloween, when teenagers and adults who may be considered too old for trick-or-treating attend a costume party instead. Halloween costume parties are occasionally featured in popular movies, such as Mean Girls.

What does Mean Girls have to do with anything? Of all of the movies that have featured costume parties, Mean Girls is the one that stood out? It wasn't even filmed at the Wynn Las Vegas hotel, which has an awesome art exhibit if you're ever there by the way. I decided to stop the line of questioning after that. We wear costumes on Halloween because they are sparkly.

1 comment:

LEstes65 said...

I have never felt too old to dress up and trick or treat. I have felt like I didn't have the ENERGY for the thought and effort for said costume. Which is why I usually take my boys trick or treating dressed in whatever I wore that day. When kids ask me what I'm dressed as, I say "A disgruntled corporate pawn." They never get it.