Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Calendar Facts

Usually I get a few calendars for Christmas. This is a slightly better gift than a paperweight. This year...nothing. It shouldn't be a big deal, but I've come to depend on my Christmas calendar gift. I'm so desperate, that at one point I considered crossing out all of the old dates & writing in the new dates on the calendar from last year with my nephews picture on it. I really wish I was into scrapbooking so I could make my own custom one.

This got me interested in the modern calendar so I went over to wikipedia. According to the Roman calendar the new year began in March. This would surely help all those freezing people standing out in the cold New York night. However, the government would always change ranks in January.

Julius Caesar made his own calendar which is pretty much what we use today with a few modifications. I would like to say that this was a pompous act. Honestly, I would probably have changed time too just to show that I had the power.

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