Friday, September 12, 2008

Weffriddles ruined my life

About a week ago I was introduced to something called weffriddles, which is basically a puzzle scavenger hunt. It's like those annoying riddle books that they sell in airports. At first, it was just a past time. Who am I kidding? I went straight to addiction.

Hello, my name is Sarakastic & I'm addicted to weffriddles. I must win, somehow, someway. I have stayed up late at night checking source codes. I need to buy memory so my computer will work faster so I can solve more riddles. I'm currently stuck on level 54. I basically spent the entire last week of my life working on this. I was sick all week, & it was a good distraction. However, it took over my every waking thought. I even started speaking in riddles. Weffriddles, I want my life back.

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