Monday, December 22, 2008

Why do we use Christmas Stockings?

The stockings are my favorite part of Christmas. We each picked out the pattern for our stocking & my mom sewed them when we were little kids. So in that way, it was always a tradition that I didn't question.

This year I went on a quest to find out why we use Christmas stockings. All I knew was that back in the day, they used to use real socks. So I went over to wikipedia & I read that no one really knows why we use Christmas stockings but back in the day they used to use real socks. I am now officially as smart, if not smarter, than wikipedia. I guess this is a tradition that I will just enjoy because it brings me candy. Granted the only thing wrong with my stocking is that it can't fit books in it. I'm fine with Santa just leaving them on the fireplace mantle though because I'm easy going that way. Where did you get your Christmas stocking from?

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