Thursday, November 20, 2008

Random Thanksgiving Food

It's pretty much a given that I'm going to eat whatever I want on Thanksgiving & then worry about Decaslim later. Lately though I've been seeing a lot of random thanksgiving food like:

  • Turkey stuffed with pistachio nuts. This actually looks really good but there's no way I'm going to spend all that time encrusting turkey with pistachio.

  • A cold bread crumb salad instead of stuffing. This just seems like it would be miserable to eat.

  • Some weird fruit cobbler that may just take ten minutes to make, but is not pie.

  • Don't get me wrong, all this food looks great, but I get to eat turkey once a year. What goes great with turkey? Stuffing. It's a once a year tradition, you aren't supposed to be able to cook it all in thirty minutes. It's not supposed to be low in fat. This is what thanksgiving dinner is supposed to look like:

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